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3D Digital Product Placement

Get your products exposed worldwide!

Many Danish manufacturing companies could take advantage of having their products available in 3D. More and more architectural projects are visualized using 3D computer visualizations.

In visualization agencies all over the world are starving for 3D digital models - of literally any kind of product we encounter in our daily lives.

3D has also become popular in the advertising industry, where several commercials are made ad 3D animations. It is almost impossible to distinguish 3D visualizations from 'reality' - and in many respects it is far easier and cheaper to make a scene in 3D than to put up a scene with the real products. At the same time it is possible to produce effects which are not possible to do in the real world.

Why not help the 3D agencies by making your products available in digital form - it's a win/win situation '! You, the manufacturer, get your products exposed, and the visualization agencies/design studios have the possibility to make realistic and credible 3D environments.

We believe that this manufaturer has a great hidden potential in making their products available in 3D - you could hit markets otherwise out of reach.

LKE Design has for more than 20 years been one of the pioneers in 3D model libraries in Denmark, and we have achieved a great expertise in building and optimizing 3D models so they look realistic and at the same time is very easy to work with. We also have extensive experience in the publishing the 3D models, so that they hit the taget customer.

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